ANSI GTESS MSE 50021-2016 pdf free download

ANSI GTESS MSE 50021-2016 pdf free download

ANSI GTESS MSE 50021-2016 pdf free download.Superior Energy Performance ® — Additional Requirements for Energy Management Systems
1. Scope
This American National Standard specifies requirements for an organization to establish, implement, maintain and improve energy performance through Superior Energy Performance ® (hereinafter, “SEP”) and an energy management system (hereinafter, “EnMS”). This American National Standard is used in conjunction with ISO 50001 :201 1 Energy management systems – Requirements with guidance for use, and it can be aligned or integrated with other management systems. This American National Standard is applicable to any organization that wishes to ensure its conformity to the requirements of SEP and desires to demonstrate such conformance to others. This can be confirmed by certification to SEP by a SEP-accredited organization called a verification body and certification to ISO 50001 requirements by an accredited ISO 50001 certification body or a SEP- accredited verification body.
2. Normative references
Superior Energy Performance ® Measurement and Verification Protocol
Superior Energy Performance ® Scorecard
Superior Energy Performance ® Certification Protocol
ISO 50001:201 1 Energy management systems-Requirements with guidance for use
3. Terms and definitions
3.1 achievement period
interval between the end of the baseline period (3.2) and the end of the reporting period (3.24)
Note 1 to entry: The achievement period shall not be more than 10 years.
3.2 baseline period
specific period of time selected as the reference period for the determination of SEP energy
performance improvement (3.1 1)
3.3 boundaries
physical or site limits as defined by the organization (3.20)
[Source: ISO 50001 :2011 , 3.1 – modified (removed “and/or organization limits” and examples)]
3.4 central office
location or network of local offices or branches (sites) of a multi-site organization (3.1 7), at which
EnMS activities are fully or partially planned, controlled or managed
Note 1 to entry: The central office is not necessarily the headquarters or a single location.
[Source: ISO 50003:2014, 3.2]
3.5 delivered energy
energy arriving at the boundary(ies)
Note 1 to entry: Delivered energy includes primary energy produced (such as oil from a well) or
renewable energy used within the facility boundaries to produce derived energy (such as solar, wind,
or geothermal energy used to generate electricity onsite) as they arrived from outside the facility
[Source: ISO 50047, 3.3 – modified (removed “of an organization”, changes made to Note)]
3.6 derived energy
a type of energy produced from the conversion of another type of energy
EXAMPLE: steam produced from a boiler fueled by natural gas
3.7 energy
electricity, fuels, steam, heat, compressed air, and other like media
Note 1 to entry: For the purposes of the SEP Measurement & Verification Protocol, energy refers to
the various types of energy, which can be purchased, stored, treated, used in equipment or in a
process, or recovered.
Note 2 to entry: Energy can be defined as the capacity of a system to produce external activity or
perform work.
[Source: ISO 50001 :2011 , 3.5 – modified (replaced “International Standard” with “SEP Measurement
& Verification Protocol”, and removed “including renewable” in NOTE 1 )]
3.8 energy accounting
system of rules, methods, techniques and conventions used to measure, analyze, and report
energy consumption (3.9)
[Source: ISO 50047:2016, 3.6]
3.9 energy consumption
quantity of energy applied
[Source: ISO 50001 :2011 , 3.7]
3.10 energy performance
measurable results related to energy efficiency, energy use (3.1 3), and energy consumption (3.9)
[Source: ISO 50001:2011 , 3.1 2 – modified (removed Notes 1 and 2)]
3.11 energy performance improvement
the energy performance improvement percentage is used with the SEP Certification Protocol and
SEP Scorecard to determine SEP certification level. Energy performance improvement (%) = (1 –
SEnPI) x 100
[Source: SEP Measurement & Verification Protocol]
3.12 energy services
activities and their results related to the provision and/or use of energy
[Source: ISO 50001 :2011 , 3.1 6]
3.13 energy use
manner or kind of application of energy
EXAMPLES: ventilation; lighting; heating; cooling; transportation; processes; production lines
[Source: ISO 50001 :2011 , 3.1 8]
3.14 facility
physical area occupied by an organization (3.20) at a particular location
Note 1 to entry: A facility may be a subset of a location.
Note 2 to entry: A facility subset may not be an energy system (e.g. a steam system).
3.15 f-test
a statistical test that can be used to assess how well a regression model fits the data, or how much
evidence there is that a particular variable or set of variables belong in the model

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