ANSI ESTA E1.41-2016 pdf free download

ANSI ESTA E1.41-2016 pdf free download

ANSI ESTA E1.41-2016 pdf free download.Recommendations for Measuring and Reporting Photometric Performance Data for Entertainment Luminaires Utilizing Solid State Light Sources
1 Scope and Purpose
Most conventional methodology in the entertainment industry for the measurement of the photometric parameters of luminaires is based around an assumption of the use of broad band or full spectrum emitters. The introduction of solid state narrow band emitters, particularly LEDs, has posed a problem for the industry in characterizing luminaires utilizing such emitters. In particular the industry needs methods for measurement which are defined, repeatable, and defensible to allow the manufacturer to produce marketing material and for the user to be able to use the published data for product comparison. This standard is intended to be used for the presentation of photometric data for luminaires employing solid state light sources used in the entertainment and performance industries. This standard defines photometric data that may be presented on documents purporting to accurately describe the photometric performance of these luminaires when producing both white and colored light.
This standard does not supersede or replace, and should be read in conjunction with, ANSI E1 .9 – 2007 (R201 2), Reporting Photometric Performance Data for Luminaires Used in Entertainment Lighting.
2 Definitions
For the purposes of this standard the following terms shall be defined as:
2.1 Correlated Color Temperature: The temperature of a Planckian black body radiator at which the hue of it, and the target illumination source appear to match, expressed in Kelvin (K)
2.2 luminaire efficacy: The ratio of a luminaire’s total lumen output divided by the power consumed,
expressed in units of “lumens per watt.”
2.3 luminaire: A complete lighting unit, consisting of a lamp or lamps, together with all the parts that are needed to position and protect the lamp or lamps, distribute the light, and connect the lamp or lamps to the power supply.
3 Requirements for White Light Measurement
In addition to the requirements stated in ANSI E1 .9 – 2007 (201 2), photometric data reports for
entertainment luminaires utilizing solid state light sources shall include the following additional information for white light measurement. If the luminaire utilizes more than three color primaries then all measurements should be taken at the mix of those primaries that produces the highest lumen output at the specified white.
3.1 Generic Requirements
The following generic items must be included as part of any reported data detailed in Specific
Requirements 3.2.
3.1.1 Correlated Color Temperature
The correlated color temperature (CCT) in Kelvin shall be reported. If a luminaire has variable CCT, then the measured CCT may be reported at multiple CCT values. CCT values used for measurement should be selected from the following list: 2700 K, 3200 K, 4500 K, 5600 K, and 6500 K. The preferred reporting values are 3200 K and 5600 K. The target value chosen from the list of preferred reporting values, the actual value as measured, and the tolerance if available shall be reported.
3.1.2 Delta(u,v)
For each CCT value a Delta(u,v) value shall be reported showing the deviation of the measured color
coordinates from the black body or Planckian locus. Delta(u,v) should be reported conventionally as a
distance on the u,v chromaticity chart, and should be reported as a positive value for points above the Planckian locus and as a negative value for those below.
3.1.3 Ambient Temperature
The ambient temperature in degrees Celsius while the photometric measurements were made shall be reported. The luminaire shall be operated at its maximum lumen output for 1 5 minutes in this ambient temperature environment before the photometric measurements are made.
3.2 Specific Requirements
3.2.1 Lumen Output
The lumen output as specified in ANSI E1 .9 -2007 (R201 2) Clause 3.1 .6, when producing white light of a reported CCT, shall be reported.

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